Katy Perry


Katy Perry is red hot and so are her fabulous nails. Katy’s glamorous nails reflect her fun-loving personality. When Katy appears in public there is always a buzz about her daring ensemble including those on point detailed nails. Let your inner sex kitten meow this Halloween or anytime you feel a little feline with attention getting Katy Perry nail art in minutes! Everyone will notice your tantalizing talons, so be prepared to accept compliments.
The secret to wearing Katy Perry nail art is OPI for Sephora Chic Print for Nails. Minx, is the innovative force behind these pre-cut nail patches with celebrity-worthy patterns and prints. Create a professional looking manicure or pedicure in half the time it takes at the nail salon. Made for the busy girl-on-the-go there is no drying time, these lovely nails go on day and stay that way!
Perfect your Halloween look with Limited Edition OPI for Sephora Chic Prints For Nails Halloween Editionin Cosmic Stars, Red Skulls and Silver Skulls. Of the other designs available in Chic Print for Nails, Tiger Print, Fishnet Stockings and Chrome Lace have the most va va va voom.
Each package of Chic Print for Nails is fifteen dollars and has 16 nail decals of varying widths. The nail patch is a patent-pending high-tech sticker that is activated by heat. Warming allows the patch to fit over the curve of your nail and seal onto the nail bed. The package estimates one to two days of wear time. A Chic Print for Nails manicure can last for several weeks and a pedicure can last for over a month. To get the best results follow the application directions carefully. The application method here differs a bit from the instructions in the package, but it will ensures a better application and longer wear.

How To Apply Katy Perry Nail Art With Chic Print for Nails
    1. Start with bare nails. 2. Clean with rubbing alcohol to remove oils. 3. Choose the best size for each nail. 4. If strip is too wide, carefully trim with small scissors. 5. Remove one strip from the sheet. 6. Warm the decorative side with a hot hair dryer for 2 to 3 seconds. 7. Apply warmed strip to nail, with rounded end closest to the cuticle. 8. Rub strip over nail starting from the center and moving toward the sides. 9. Smooth strip down completely and remove any bubbles. 10. Press excess over edge of nail and file off with an ultra fine crystal file. 11. File in a vertical motion. 12. Rub strip once more to ensure adhesion and to remove any more bubbles.
Each set of 16 nail stickers is supposed to cover ten nails. However, if you have short nails and are crafty with scissors, you can stretch two sets out of one package. Each sticker is rounded on one end and straight on the other. For the first set, apply the pre-cut rounded end closest to the cuticle. To make a second set, all you will need to do is round the straight edges of the strips left over from your first application.
How To Remove Chic Print for Nails
    1. Rub strip until warm. 2. Slowly peel from one side. 3. For toes, first trim nail with nail clipper and then rub and peel as above.

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